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My work stems from a place of longing for a father figure, mourning from the loss of a lover, and battling hiding a queer identity from a seventh-day adventist family. I seek to show how trauma transforms autobiography and explore tradegical narratives into stories where victims become deity creatures that I imagine and which emerge directly to surface. These characters originate from my own biography as a manifestation of past traumas. I often utilize imagery such as angels, divination, and death. I search within the art to find my voice admist all that I have experienced in my life, joy and tragedy alike. I make peace with the present moment and my paintings and drawings appear as such. They change every time I look at them and I try to sift through the abstraction to find hidden, subconscious narratives. I psychonanalyze my gestures on the surface, as they represent hidden creatures and meanings. I sit behind the paintings and introspect, imagination allowing all that is in my brain to be channeled through my hand; all the people and experience of my life transcend and manifest through my materials in hopes of making sense of what has happened to me and who I am.

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